Engineering Resources by Engineering IRL
We will provide resources in all of our content that will point you in the right direction for whatever your needs are. At the same time we also create products and books that are made for engineers. The technical engineering notebooks are useful and for engineers specifically. Engineering Quotes notebooks are a great addition. The books are designed for bringing Technical concepts to children. Inspire your future little engineer today or give a great gift.
The main driver for some of these resources was the fact that I had a new born son and I thought long about his education and future. One thing that I knew for sure is that reading is powerful and that there is a large amount of children's books out there and a percentage of them is educational. But most of them are really focused on stories. Stories transcend the facts, this includes nursery rhymes you may remember or those archetypal stories that seem to resonate with you until you are a full grown adult. So does this mean you can only learn these basic stories? I do not believe this is the case.
The idea is you can embed technical information in stories in such a way that you don't even know you are learning underlying principles. Say more technical or engineering focused principles.
There's no reason it can't be that. So let's create some stories that embed underlying technical principles so that when our children face these things when they are older, they don't simply think, thats complex stuff I can't understand, rather, they see something they can relate to and build upon. All of a sudden what was scary isn't anymore. The primary reason you fear the darkness is lack of information. Uncertainty.
Introducing engineering concepts early to children instead of their first interaction coming in Senior High School is a powerful idea that can make their approach to "harder" ideas and thoughts seem "normal" and increase the odds they are comfortable tackling such challenges. So if you know an engineer or someone with an aspiring engineer grab one of our books and inspire a future engineer or simply have an amazing gift for your engineering friend.